Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Workout #7 Sequences & Mile Repeats

Today is Mile Repeats for CARDIO and eventual sequences for strength.

During the Mile Repeats I'd prefer NO strength exercises in between.  Please do all cardio at once and then the exercises or vice versa; I don't care what comes first (usually cardio for me so I'm warmed up).    No mixing this time ... unless you don't have access to a treadmill or outdoors.  Then, I'll give ya modifications.  No skimping out and doing one and not the other.  BOTH!!!


1) Warm-Up

- light jog or walk for 5-7 mins (NO, this doesn't count as one of the mile repeats!)
- arm circles ... straight arms circling forward, alternating one at a time ... then circling back ... then BOTH arms circle forward and both arms back.
- stretch as needed, but stay warm!

2) Mile Repeats - outdoors or on a treadmill (if you've got another cardio machine, definitely use it and        go by a set time)

- ADVANCED: Do 5 or 6 mile repeats with a 30sec--1min rest in between.
          *If you don't need that long of a break, advanced people, then you weren't running hard enough.  period.  for those that ignore fatigue, umm ... recover and breathe ... don't overdue.  let's not start habits of collapsing.  TAKE THE BREAK and enough of one so the next round is well-done.  I can't see you, so you've gotta gauge what's right ... better safe than sorry.
          *Runners, some of you are also using the mile repeats as a SUPPLEMENT to doing your regular straight run (at whatever mileage you're at).  In that case, use with caution or completely nix the leg exercises below.  
          *Some of you are WALKERS only ... move quickly and make sure you're not pressing too hard on those feet or hips.

- INTERMEDIATE: Do 3 or 4 mile repeats with a 30sec--1min rest in between.
          *Make sure you're going as fast as you can safely, staying light on your feet, relaxed in the shoulders, arms bent loosely but in control.  If you need more of a break, then take up to 2mins but not much longer -- and I CRINGE at saying 2mins.  It defeats the purpose to rest for too long.  You might have gone too hard or maybe should have mixed in a walk?

- BEGINNERS or WALKERS: Do 2 or 3 mile repeats (prefer 3) with a 30sec--1min rest in between.
          *You'll either walk quickly or mix the walking and the jogging.  Maybe you could see how long you could jog for before you walk?  And if you just want to walk -- hustle!

***NOTE1: These mean nothing more than a straight run with breaks unless YOU push yourself harder through them.  These should NOT be leisurely miles whether you're walking, jogging or sprinting.  Go by your level, but give yourself a challenging mile each time.  If you can't easily discern mileage and you're running outdoors, then go by the time you'd usually take to complete a mile and keep true to that time.  For example, an average person runs a mile in 8-10mins ... just run for 8, 9 or 10 mins (choose one that's true to you) and stick with that time.

***NOTE2: Home people WITHOUT access to treadmill or outdoors (oye vey!) Well, I don't want you to do NOTHING but I'm not going to make a big hullabaloo about it.  It might be boring to just run in place for 8--10 mins, but I say do it.  Stick on those iTunes and radios or whatever and march/jog in place.  You've gotta do something!  Time somehow passes and you WILL sweat if you pump it hard enough.

3) A "Sorta" Cool Down ... walk for 3-5mins to get your heart rate down before starting the strength exercises below.  Make sure you're well hydrated and have got enough energy in the body to perform.


So, these are a bunch of exercises fairly commonly known that we'll do separately and then stick into sequences.  So, I'm going to list them first without much explanation (look at previous workout for more detail on form) and then we'll play with 'em.  And since I don't have pictures, try looking on line for images on form, if you're more visual.

** Modified people can do all this, except for Down Dog, on their knees.
** Wrist watching people can do all this, except for Down Dog, making fists with their hands instead of flat palms down.

4) Push-ups (30secs)
5) Down Dog -- yes the yoga move (30secs)
6) Straight Arm Plank (30secs)
7) One Arm Plank (30secs each side)

REST briefly ... like 15secs or as needed between each set ... NO over-resting!!

(Exercises 4--7 in Sequence) -- do this for 2 sets of 10x each -- keep it fluid and precise with full movement.  NO HALF-WAY holds or pushes:

8) 1 Push-up to plank, into Down Dog then back into plank, turn to right arm plank, then back into full plank, then turn to left arm plank, then back into full plank ... repeat sequence 10x starting with pushup, etc ...

**NOTE: when you are turning into your one arm plank, whether you are pivoting on the knees or on the feet, I'd like the arm that's extending up in the air to get there by brushing the thumb across the chest  before reaching to the ceiling.  i do not want the arm extending out away from the body before reaching up.  keep the lines clean, core in control.

9) Alternate Forward Lunges (30secs)
10) Alternate Back Lunges (30secs)
11) Alternate Side Squats -- legs wider than shoulder width, stepping right into squat, together, then left (30secs)
12) Step touch Squat -- THIS IS SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT than #11.  listen, step right into a squat, then come up, straightening knees as your left foot taps in to meet the right, then step left into a squat, coming up again as your right foot taps in to meet your left.  keep repeating side to side.

(Exercises 9--12 in Sequence) -- 2 sets of 10x total, fluid and precise movements, keeping torso up, core engaged, knees NEVER go beyond the toes -- your weight is back onto your heels and chests UP!  no bowing, i tell you!!!!! or else, YOU WILL NOT BENEFIT!  watch it!:

*** R = right, L = left

13) 1 forward lunge (R), 1 side squat (R), 1 back lunge (R), 1 step touch squat (R), repeat all (L) and keep alternating (5x on each side = 10x total for 2 sets)

The NEXT and FINAL sequence is more intermediate/advanced ... I would try it if you're a beginner and want to see what you could do ONLY if you are in full understanding of the movements ... if not, brush it off and proceed to cool down.

14) "Knees in Plank" Holding one arm plank, knees jump into chest, then back out to straight plank (30secs jumping in and out)
          *For those that need this to be a little easier or are watching their backs, keep your legs wider then shoulder width both in jumping out to plank and into "chest" ... so, for you, your knees won't aim for the chest, they'll aim more towards the outside of the hands (though they don't have to get up that far).
15) "One-Legged" Spiderman, side to side (30secs)
          *In plank position, jump both legs in towards the right side of the chest at the outside of the right arm, then jump back into plank, and then both legs in towards the left side of the chest at the outside of the left arm.
16) Plank Jacks (30secs)
          *Holding plank, jump legs out and in, like you're jacking on the floor, keeping body straight

(Exercises 14--16 in sequence):

17) 1 knees in plank, to Spiderman right, Spiderman left, 1 plank jack, repeat 10x for 2 sets.

18) Cool down/stretch (see previous workouts for more details)
          *Be sure to get that heart rate down, pacing or walking in place, rolling the shoulders and loosing up the body before showering or laying down.

AWESOME JOB all!!!!!

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