Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Workout #3 - Just Get Out There ... like, NOW.

Whether you run, walk or even bike, today is your mainly CARDIO day (yesterday, we focused more on strength and dynamic movements).  If you can stand up, you can walk -- no excuses.  Special needs people (whatever they are, big or small issues), please just send me a message or note and I'll think up some modifications for you.

Make sure you're hydrated and well-fueled.  Although it's best not to eat right before you exercise, you also shouldn't be completely "depleted of resources" in the body.  So, don't start up when you're hungry.

Clients ask me all the time: how do you get out there when you're tired and you just came back from work?  Must be easy for you cuz you do it all the time.  Hahahahah *evil trainer laugh* Hahahahaha *I'm laughing again*

Look ... I'm tired ... as in: I do not feel like spending my out of work time to go for a run, get my hair and make-up (sorry guys) that I spent time on this morning for work all sweaty and gross only to have to shower and do it all again later.  I'd rather sit here writing this blog and go out with my friends to watch the Yankees and the Tigers play Game 4.  But, you know what I'm gonna do?  And you know what YOU'RE gonna do?  WE are going to go through the motions of preparing ourselves to keep our bodies healthy and in shape to make time for those goals we've set during this "biography" training.  Then, we're going to just get out there and bust a move.  Enough talk.

NOTE: Regarding warmup and cool down - no, that's not included in the 40 mins. Take a walk if you need to or a light jog for about 5 mins before starting.  Stretching before a workout is debatable, so I'll leave that up to you. Gonna be honest and say that I personally don't. Do what's right for you. As for cool down ... Just walk it out or pace for 5 mins or more.  Don't lay down or shower if your heart rate is still up!!! Give yourself a time that's not defined by minutes but more by how you're feeling. 
Here's what today is:

CARDIO w/power:

Yep ... Run/walk or bike ... preferably outside (unless it's thundering or majorly storming).  This time, whether you go by distance or time, you cannot do less than 40minutes -- understood???  Seriously.  I'll do an hour.  Here's our focus for the day (pick what fits your level):

1). Walkers w/no jogging option (after every 9mins, do one really fast minute):

While I'd like you to walk briskly, sometimes doing that can put too much pressure on the joints -- beware of that.  Walk quickly but comfortably as long as it gets your heart rate up and you aren't ambling through ... this isn't a stroll; it's a workout.  Make sure you're keeping light on your feet, shoulders and neck relaxed but engaged (moving naturally with the body).  Always spot where tension might be rising and relax it there as you are in motion.  That said, after every 9 minutes, spend one minute going as fast as you can (walking, of course, and keeping all that's been said about tenseness in mind).  That way, you'll have at least 4 minutes of this workout (if keeping to 40minutes total) where you're challenging your body a bit more.

2). Walkers w/jogging option (walk 4minutes/jog 1min):

Some in this category are trying to get to that jogging point.  You're going to have to play with this one, but try to be consistent.  Some of you are more advanced and some are going to find this difficult.  Test it out this way if you're not sure: walk (in workout mode, meaning quickly -- same as walkers above) for 4 minutes and then spend 1 minute jogging.  Keep that cycle going throughout the 40 or so minutes you do today.  For those that are stronger, do the flip side of that: walk for 1 minute and jog for 4 minutes.  Whatever you choose, keep it consistent.  Some of you that are telling yourselves, "how do I do?" well ... that question tells ME that you are a beginner still figuring out what level you should be at.  If the scenario is that the longer walking and the shorter jogging seem easier, though you've never done too much jogging perhaps, than don't worry about it being easy for now.  Start that way and see how your body reacts in the next day or two to that added jogging element.  You never want to overdue.  Remember, just getting out there and doing something means a LOT for your body.  Your goal is not to injure yourself or be so sore that you can't move the next day.  Be safe; be confident; be consistent.  If you're the type that has jogged some, than try the walk for 1 minute and the jogging for 4 minutes.  You can also cut it to 2 minutes jog and 2 minutes walk or a 3 minutes ... etc ... etc.  Play with it, get out there and try.  Again, as with the walkers, stay light on your feet, keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, arms slightly and comfortably bent.

3). Joggers w/sprinting or fast running option (after every 9 minutes, do a minute of running faster or sprinting)

But not so fast that you'd have to walk right after it!  Fast enough that you could continue to a jogging pace after running quickly.  Try it.  If you're more in shape than cut down the jogging time before the sprint/run (i.e. every 8 or 7 minutes do a minute sprint).  For today, let's try not to sprint for more than a minute, though.  Let's keep that time down so that we can do the best we can within that looooooong minute of going at a faster pace than normal.  *This is what I'll be doing today.  NOT looking forward to it but DEFINITELY looking forward to the afterward!!!!

4). Bikers (lower gear for 9 mins, high gear for 1 minute)

I'll be honest, I don't bike much, but if that's your thing or something you'd rather do than run or walk, have at it.  If it's possible for your bike to easily (and safely) change gears, try to play with going lower but at a reasonably challenging gear for 9mins and then upping the gear level for one minute.  I know those hills out there make it tough -- but that's the same for runners and walkers!  See how you can manage it!

Ok ... there's that for today.  I'm going to personally skip strength stuff because I want my focus to really be on that cardio with those power bursts.  I advise the same for YOU.

STRETCH/DRAIN (after cardio)

Please see workout #1 if you need more detail, but here's the short of it:

1). Drain (5-10mins): lying down, with legs up on wall, resting.  relax them.

2). Hamstrings: one leg up, one leg bent and down.  pull that leg up towards the chest. repeat other side.

3). Quads: lying down on one side, pull top leg's foot in towards the buttocks and stretch the top of that thigh.  please make sure not to turn the knee in or down.  keep that bent leg parallel to the floor. repeat other side.

4). Lower Back: pull both knees in towards the chest.  *note: those with bigger tummies, try keeping those bent knees wide.  It might help ya get that back stretch you need.

5). Shoulders: do some shoulder rolls forward and back and then cross one arm over your chest ... keeping it straight, pull it in towards the chest.  Always be gentle and always be sure you're not pressing on the elbow joint.  repeat other side.

HAVE A GREAT WORKOUT!!!  YOU CAN DO IT!  Stop sitting here thinking about it and GO!  I'll do the same.

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