Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Awesome Workout #6 - HARD CORE but All Levels: The Big Challenge

For this workout, if you're advanced, take fewer/shorter breaks and "go deep" with the exercises.  ALWAYS watch the joints, the back -- heck!  the body -- and be well-hydrated and well-fueled w/o being on a full stomach.

Ok -- Let's Go To It!

This workout, I aim, will take about ONE HOUR ... maybe more ... MAYBE less depending on YOU.  None of you are allowed to make excuses or skimp on any of it.  There are modifications -- do them -- and don't try to be a hero ... hero's do not look good with bad form.

It'll be a mix of "DESCENDING" CARDIO bursts and powerful but BASIC STRENGTH exercises.  *Note: I have tried to keep "tools" like weights, med balls, bands and all that stuff out of our workouts so you ALL can do them anywhere -- whether it's in the gym, outdoors, or in a small space at home.  I DON'T CARE WHAT LEVEL YOU ARE!  I will give you options.  Do the best you can, but DO IT!  I'd prefer this to be OUTDOORS, but have included modifications if you're at home or in the gym.




Light jog/march - in place, on a treadmill, or outdoors (5 minutes)


*NOTE: Cardio will ALWAYS be running/jogging/walking, depending on what your level is and what best challenges you without hurting you.  So, every time I write CARDIO, do this:

CARDIO: (8 minutes -- NO LESS!!!!!  If you get tired, slow it down ... take the jog to a walk or walk slower, etc, but don't stop cuz of boredom or something silly.  Get a good bunch of songs going to pump you up; invest in an iPod; sing!  I don't care ... just don't stop!)

*If indoors w/treadmill (TM)-- whether it's at home or in the gym:
run/walk/jog (a run is as fast as you can go)
... an average run on the treadmill is about from a level 5--7.  I generally jog at a 6 or 6.5 pace on the TM.  I don't like going mega fast on machines, but it's a nice steady pace.  If you're walking, try to keep it above 3.0, but preferably between 3.5--4.5.  Sprinters or faster runners, if you're gonna go higher than level 7 on the TM (which, I'm always uncomfortable with, by the way), then please be careful.  You'd be surprised how many things I've seen go wrong on those machines.

*If indoors w/o treadmill (TM) -- whether it's outdoors or at a gym:
This could get boring without some variety.  I could explain a whole lot of intricate things to do, but I want to keep this workout basic and without too much thought like the last ones.  Soooo ....
Do this per minute to keep it semi-interesting: (all are in-place unless you've got the space to move around)
jog/march (1 min)
wide leg jog/march -- get that body LOW w/o hurting knees! (1 min)
high knee jogs/marches (1 min) - keep bodies up tall!  No bowing!
jumping jacks (or side taps) (1 min)
repeat for a total of 2x = 8 mins of CARDIO

*If outdoors (preferred) -- at a park, field or track:
run/walk/jog ... stay light on your feet no matter what you do, keep a rhythmic breathing pattern going and arms bent but loose.  Always make sure you're not tightening up your shoulders or neck.  Simple as that ... 8 minutes.

**NOTE: when doing the strength/workout portions, indoors, it's self-explanatory for area, I think ... but if you're outdoors, use the field or park ... stepping off whatever track or path and finding a clear enough, safe area to perform the exercises.  You're gonna need a grassy/softer surface for some of the exercises.

Ok ... there's that explanation ... let me clear it up w/o the mumbo jumbo:

1). Warm-up (5 mins)

2). CARDIO (8 mins)

REST: Depends on level ... but let's say 30secs--2minutes to give you something to go by.  (IF YOU REST TOO LONG, you're going to GET COLD!  So, if you're still tired after 2 minutes, start the exercise modified or pace or march in place to stay warm until you're ready)

3). Pushups (1 minute doing as many as you can) - if you need a greater explanation on pushups, check out the previous workouts.  Do either modified or on toes.  Drop to knees, if on toes gets tired.  Hold a plank if on knees gets hard.  Try to stay up.

REST: Suggested 30 secs or under

4). CARDIO (7 mins) -- keep steady ... 7 mins is still pretty long ... indoor people without TM, just keep cutting the last minute exercise starting from bottom up.  So, you'd cut out the second set of Jacks for this one.

REST: 30secs--2mins tops

5). Situps (1 minute - full - as many as you can) - see explanation if needed, in previous workouts
level 1 - hands forward (easiest)
level 2 - hands STAY above head
level 3 - hands behind head, elbows stay wide (hardest)

6). Forearm Plank (1 minute) like push up position but on forearms
level 1 - modified, on tops of thighs, hold straight body up with forearms, tummy faces ground
level 2 - on forearms and toes, keeping body straight, tummy tight

7). CARDIO (6 mins)

8). Squat turns (1 min) - plyo/legs
** This is going to be HARD cuz those legs are gettin' tired!  Do your best and don't do a full squat if your legs are hurting.  WATCH the knees!!!
- in a squat position facing forward, sitting back onto heels, jump up, turning to right and into a squat position ... jump up and turn back to center squat ... jump up and turn to left squat.  So it's: Squat, jump, turn right ... squat, jump,  turn left (center) ... squat, jump, turn left again (to left side) ... squat, jump, turn right (center).  Got it??  Maybe?  If not ... or if its too difficult, then just do squat jumps straight up and down without the turns ... don't jump AT ALL if you're a beginner and don't do too deep a squat if you're watching knees/back.

9). Superman (1 min) -- see previous workout explanation for more detail
- lying on stomach, holding arms out overhead, straight and wider than shoulder width ... lift legs up as well and keep them wider than hip width.  Just hold arms and legs up in that manner like you're flying like Superman on your belly.  Heads up!  If back needs less, lower legs and keep arms up.

10). CARDIO (5mins) -- can you move faster since the time has decreased?  Try ... I know you're gettin' tired ... but see what you can do.

REST - 30secs -- 2mins

11). Reverse Plank (1 minute)
- sit.  put hands with fingers facing feet, right next to your hips.  (wrist issue people, make fists with hands) lift body up.  straighten legs out in from of you.  if you're advanced, keep legs straight, feet together.  if you need a modification (most of you will) then bend legs, with flat feet on ground, but as wide as or a little wider than hip width.  heads up looking at sky!  keep neck pretty neutral.

12). CARDIO (4mins) Go! Go! Go!

REST: *****30secs--1min

13).  Pushups (30 secs)
yes, we are going through same strength exercises again, cut in half w/time

14). CARDO (3mins) Power this one!

REST: 30secs--1min

15). Situps (30secs)

16). Forearm plank (30secs)


REST: 30 secs

18). Squat Turns (30secs)

19). Superman (30secs)

18). CARDIO (1min) -- YAAAAYYY!  Last one!  Hustle!!!

REST: 30 secs

19). Reverse Plank (30 secs)

20). COOL DOWN!  (5 mins)
March or walk in place ... pacing ... going on the treadmill or along the park/field.  Make sure to do this so you can get that heart rate down.  DO NOT lay down or take a shower until that heart rate has returned to normal and your body has cooled down.  Eat a power bar or drink orange juice or something if you're dizzy.  HYDRATE!!!

21). STRETCH - see previous workouts for detailed explanations but here's the basics:
- Drain the legs for about 5-10mins laying down on back with feet up against wall or tree
- Stretch, hamstrings, quads, back and shoulders
- Roll those shoulders out, forward and back.
- You can almost never do enough stretching ... I'll leave the rest to YOU.

You did it!!!!  Yippeeeeeeee!!!!

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