Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Workout #4 - Variety/Confusion/Brain Power

When teaching one of my classes, I prefaced by saying it would be chaotic at first ... but after the first practice round, we'll get it.  And, after wild confusion and running around trying to figure the obstacle courses I'd created out, they did.  Time flew.  They did something new for their bodies.

Sure, I could easily have done the common routines of squats and burpees and pushups.  It's so easy to teach what's already commonly known.  It's so simple to follow those frequent -- and quite efficient -- exercises.  But, hmmm ...

Here's the thing ... if we fall into a never-ending routine without challenges, we're not going to be challenged.  I get beginners everyday, and sometimes I think to myself: "ugh! I'm gonna spend so much time running around from person to person, putting their hands, their hips, their knees into place, I don't know if I have the energy to do it." And then I tell myself: "If I don't teach them to think out of the box with their bodies and minds, when will they learn?  What am I good for if, as a professional, I can't constantly keep them thinking, moving, and motivated to EXPECT change and confusion with the body.

Our bodies are constantly changing.  They are growing, developing different aches, pains, muscles and advancements ... it's for us to learn to adapt to LIFE so we can prepare for the body's constant movement.  It's moving, whether you're sleeping or jumping around ... you are growing.  A part of training is teaching your body to do different things in different, sometimes unexpected situations.

How many of you have hurt your knees or shoulders?  How many have experienced arthritis, hip, and joint pain to a point that you don't know what to do?  You end up not knowing how to modify a workout cuz you've always done the same things that work ... but don't teach you to maneuver around the obstacles growth (or "getting older") puts up.

That said ... I know I don't have pictures to show ya yet ... I don't have videos and I'm still getting used to blogging workouts to you as consistently as I can.  Some of the explanations are gonna make you go: "Huh?  I just wish I could SEE what she's talking about!"  Well ... eventually, I'll figure that next step out.  Until then, be inventive and safe.  No, you're not trainers and you do have to be careful with any exercise -- whether a fitness professional is watching or not.  But, keep it moving ... keep it fresh ... don't write the same essay every day.  What would THAT do your brain?  You're not on an assembly line -- at least not while working out.  So, ENJOY the confusion and shake it up; figure it out; own it if you don't get it and play on whatever advice I give you.  It made me mighty proud at the end of class, with everyone's body sweatin' and saying: "Whoa!  We don't know what happened but boy did that fly by -- for the most part!" Haha.  We had some tools for what we did, but maybe we can be inventive and create an obstacle course for you?  Let's see:

****** Note: for warm-up, cool down and stretch, see workout #2 or basically for warm up just march/jog in place for 5 mins getting heart rate up gradually before beginning.  For cool-down, march in place or pace for 5 mins or more until heart rate has cooled before stretching.  DO NOT shower or lay down before you're heart rate has slowed to normal and you're temp isn't hot!!!  Drink some orange juice or something if you feel dizzy and make sure you're well-hydrated!!!

WORK-OUT #4 - (ONE minute intervals w/15-30sec rest -- REPEAT all movements once more after     the first round is complete)

1). Hopscotch (we used "ladders" just to give you a visual - but as space and tools outside of a gym and in the home are limited, just do the movement on the ground as if you could visualize a ladder.)
- start with legs wider than shoulder width.  Jump right leg forward (left leg is up) and then land, jumping back down to both legs down and wide.  Repeat going forward with jumping left leg up.  So, out with both legs and in and up with one leg. (like doing a jumping jack but not hopping in with both legs - just one - and you keep alternating the leg coming in).  Continue forward on as big of a "runway" as space allows, and back again.  If you don't have space, just do it in place.
2). Crawl ("ladders" again)
- On hands and toes (knees slightly bent and butt up in air).  Legs are wider than shoulder width and you're going to try to keep them moving like a "football stutter" or a quick run in place.  Simultaneously, your hands, that are on the ground (palms flat), are going to do an in, in, out, out movement ... attempting to crawl moving forward in that manner, and then back.  So right, left (under chest), and right, left (under shoulders).  Watch those wrists!  You're holding your body weight.  Some of you with wrist issues will want to make a fist instead of using flat hands.
3). Lateral Skates (we used a line-up of steps without risers - you can just do this on the floor but lift those feet up!  In other words, make sure you're not "sliding" the legs in that split instead of jumping)
- switch right leg forward, left leg back, continuing to alternate in a type of running/hopping motion.  If space allows, can you do this movement as your body goes sideways to the left, then to the right?
4). Push-ups w/leg (or knee) alternating up (choose modified or on toes)
- modified (on tops of thighs, torso straight, feet off ground with ankles close together) do a pushup while raising your right leg up -- knee stays bent.  repeat left.  keep alternating the legs lifting up every time you go down for a pushup and on the "up" both knees are down.
- on toes: do a pushup, raising right leg up on the down position, then putting it back down when pressing up.  repeat left and continue the movement.
KEEP BODIES STRAIGHT PLEASE!  Hands are wider than shoulder width but in the same "line" as the shoulders.  NOSE AIMS ABOVE THE FINGERS -- not in between hands!
5). Floating leaps
- jump side to side - on right foot, then left - as if you are leaping over a big object.
6). Plank Position (Rear Deltoid/Core) Single Arm raises out - you can use light weights or no weights
- hands (or fists) under shoulders (or maybe a bit closer than shoulder width but not touching together). On toes (or modified plank by being on tops of thighs).  Hold this plank position as you raise the right arm out to the right side in line with the shoulder and no higher with palm facing down.  Be sure not to twist your body!  tummy and chest should continue facing ground and NOT turn right with the right arm!  put the arm back down into plank position and repeat left.  Continue the movement.
7). Plank Position (Core) Opposite knee to opposite elbow
- On toes in plank position, bring right knee up, crossing towards left side of chest as left elbow meets it; replace them then repeat left.  DO NOT BE DECEIVED!  This is a difficult movement and I'd rather not anybody do this in a modified (on tops of thighs) position.  If it's too hard to lift the opposite arm with the leg, than EVERYBODY, just do the leg motion going across while keeping your hands in plank position.

*** NOTE: if your shoulders are screaming, go down onto your forearms, doing the motion that way for exercise #7.  Hold a plank that way for exercise #6 w/o the motion if you have to.

8). Side Shuffle/Tap down
- shuffle to the right two times, keeping chest up and keeping the knees bent and body low -- legs wide.  Tap down using left hand to cross tap right foot (without twisting body -- JUST THE ARM IS CROSSING) and then shuffle left two times tapping left foot with right hand.  Keep the movement going.
9). 2 Frog Jumps/4 high knees
- squat touching ground between legs, leaning back on heels and keeping chest UP -- NO BOWING!!!! -- then jump up, arms shoot straight into air, legs are straight before landing back down to that frog or hands touching down position.  **** note: if it's hard to keep the chest up while touching the ground, then don't touch the ground.  just go as far down as you can, bending your knees,  it's a deep squat, so if your knees need watching, either don't jump, just squat and come up, OR don't bend down as far.  if your toes can't come up when you squat, you're overextending your knees.  CAREFUL!  After doing 2 of these jumps, do 4 high knees jogs (jumping if you can as each knee comes up, keeping the back straight, body loose, and touching each high knee with your hands as it comes up to waist). REPEAT until minute is up.
10). Superman
- on tummy, arms go out overhead, wider than shoulder width like a big HOORAY and legs come up, wider than hip width.  hold the position like you're flying like Superman.  Don't overextend the back.  If it's too much pressure on your lower back, keep your legs down on the ground and just use the arms.

Happy working out!!!!  Don't forget to repeat the round of 10 items at least once OR twice depending on how you feel.  Go get 'em!

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