Monday, December 14, 2015

12 Days of Christmas Workout

Fun themed workout here I'm doing with some clients and classes this week! It's done in the spirit of the song - (we tried it to the speed of the song but ehhhhhh it's too fast - hahaha - so, just do this all together as a circuit workout to whatever music and stick to doing all sets). For repetition count's sake, there are no "pairs" ... just count each lift or raise as one). The workout, for example, goes:

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
1 Wall Sit
On the second day of Christmas my true love game to me:
2 Heisman Jumps
and a Wall Sit
On the thirst day of Christmas my true love game to me:
3 Side Shuffle Taps
2 Heisman Jumps
and a Wall Sit

Got it? Enjoy!

1 Partridge in a Pear Tree - 1 WALL SIT
                                            (option w/medicine ball held out chest level, straight arms)

2 Turtle Doves - 2 HEISMAN JUMPS
                           (side leap and tap with one leg crossing behind the other)

3 French Hens - 3 SIDE SHUFFLE TAPS
                           (keep these short - just a few shuffles each way, then tap down in proper squat
                           form to the floor)

4 Calling Birds - 4 PUSH UPS
5 Gold Rings - 5 BURPEES (no pushup)
                         (you can walk or jump these - keep at your level please!)

6 Geese a-Laying - 6 SUPERMAN X's
                                (Supermans with arms and legs starting together off the floor - keep them off
                                but widen them, making your body an X and then bring them back in together for
                                each rep)

7 Swans a-Swimming - 7 SUPERMAN SWIMS
                                      (Scissor your body like it's swimming - opposite arm opposite leg lift then
                                       lower quickly; just count each raise as 1)

                                  (shift from side to center to side - so you'll do 4 on each side)

9 Ladies Dancing - 9 CRAB KICKS
                                (you can jump these, though, most people don't - I don't care if it's an odd #!)

10 Pipers Piping - 10 RUN AND TAP
                              (run or walk whatever length is reasonable - like half or even a quarter a basketball
                               court's length - and tap the floor each way)

11 Lords a-Leaping - 11 SQUAT JUMPS
                                    (or regular squats, opt w/med ball at chest then overhead on the up)

12 Drummers Drumming - 12 HIGH KNEES
                                            (high or low impact - each time the knee raises is a rep)

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